A Must Have App for SysAdmin

One of the problem with WordPress installation these days is that it is prone to crashes. The data might be intact but you still need to restart mySQL. Cron script to auto restart mySQL can help to some extent but sometimes you just need to restart it manually.

That means you have to login via Terminal or Putty and it can be a pain to login from other than your main machine if you use SSH keys. For years there's no good app to handle this on smartphones but now Termius is here to save the day.

Just upload your keys to your phone and you'll be good to go. Furthermore, you can also sync with desktop app. There's also auto-complete function to make routine commands easier.

You'll need to subscribe to enable the sync function but for me the free version is good enough for me. The app have no ads and you are rest assured you can access your server from wherever you are.

p/s: Keep this a secret from your boss