I Miss Coffee

A cup of americano

I’m actually not a coffee drinker – I grew up drinking tea well into adulthood. Coffee was rarely served by mother and grandmothers. Usually it is weak sweetened tea that accompanied our meals.

It’s only in 2015 when I started to seriously drink coffee – probably because of the free flow fresh brewed coffee at the co-working space I used to go. Then it coincide with my travels to Singapore & Indonesia that opened my senses to even more great coffee.

Although I appreciate coffee better since then, my body don’t adapt much to the higher intake caffeine. I easily get the jitters and dehydration. So I have to stay away from coffee for the whole of Ramadhan else I’ll be severely weakened.

The temptation is even higher this year since I already learned how to make great tasting brewed coffee at home. But alas, I have to abstain from this perfectly halal indulgence even outside fasting hours in order to allow me to fast well.