When Your Fear Came True
An unfulfilled wish and a small miracle.

A month ago, I wrote about the grim realization that there's some people you might just not be able to meet again. The trigger for that post was a dream I had - meeting and hugging my dear teacher Prof. Malik Badri. In the dream we met for a while and I said see you again soon.
But alas, it is not meant to be. Three days ago, Bro. Azizi Khalid broke the news via IG that the founding father of modern Islamic Psychology had passed away. His last position was Professor of Psychology at İZÜ: İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim Üniversitesi.
I did sent Prof. Malik Badri an email after I woke up from that dream and hopefully he had read it - at least I did reached out to him while he was still alive. The surreal dream I had was a blessing and a cherished memory to close my chapter with my dear teacher.
For those who still haven't reached out to your far away elderly loved ones please do soon.